Friday, June 6, 2014

Episode 14

I just noticed that the opening theme depicts Sailor Moon, Mars, and Mercury. Was it always just these 3, or is it because these are the only 3 we've met so far? Too lazy to investigate.

New bad is Nephrite. Zosite shows up; he's got long blonde hair. He taunts Nephrite. They're all jerks to each other, no surprises here.

This episode we've got:


The new big bad shows up in a fancy red sports car. Everyone thinks he's handsome; I don't see it. He literally jumps over the fence to the court. He starts giving tennis advice to TennisGirl and playing tennis with her. He hits the ball so hard it hurts her hand. He introduces himself as an "eccentric coach", because "evil dude out to suck you of all your life force" would be suspicious. One of his youma possesses her racket. 

When she touches the racket, it controls her. Her gameplay gets sort of scary. The ball makes a dent in the pavement. EvilDude disappears. TennisGirl basically commits murder on the Mens' Tennis Team. 

Meanwhile, Luna consults with an arcade computer that talks to her. 

TennisGirl actually destroys a girl's racket as they play and acts like a bitch. Sailor Moon's Best Friend, whose name I don't remember, who is a longtime childhood friend of TennisGirl, looks on concerned. I'll refer to her as SM's BFF(Best Friend Forver). She talks about this with Usagi  and flashes back to all her memories of  playing together with TennisGirl growing up and how she basically got shut down/ignored today. 

Usagi has a bad feeling about it, for once. TennisGirl looks like she's out to murder people with her balls. Some dudes she was playing with run the fuck away. SM's BFF tries to intervene, but TennisGirl acts all crazy because possessed. The Youma pops out. Usagi sneaks behind a building to transform. This all would've been easier if they lived in the age of cell phones; calling for backup and all.

Sailor Moon gets encased in a very giant tennis ball. 

Sailor Moon is the circled object.

Also, this.

Tuxedo Mask shows up to save her useless ass. They fight together (mostly she's useless) and she thinks it's romantic. He's injured because she is USELESS. She tries to rush to him and he's like finish off the bad guy first you idiot. Moon Tiara finishes off the youma. Mercury and Mars show up late to the bad guy-offing party. Tuxedo Mask disappears. 

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